Wednesday, August 7, 2019


                 Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera to all my blog readers and my close contact who always supported me as long as i complete my assignment .First of all i want to sorry if i got the wrong word because i just used a google translate Hehe ❤

My name is MUHAMMAD DANIEL BIN HAMILI . I am officially 18 years old on july 21 . I am student who currently study at UITM TERENGGANU , KAMPUS DUNGUN . Now I'am just being one of the undergraduate in diploma in HOTEL AND MANAGEMENT (HM110) . Firstly my main goal for this blog is to introduce the students about UED102 or the real name is soft skill . These skills are provided to prepare students with essential skills throughout life at university with should have been in student already .

                                                              CONTENT OF UED102 :


1)  Learning style inventory

2)  Goal statement ( five step to approach )

3)  Fixed - commitment calender

4)  Job task analysis

5)  Prioritized to do list

6)  Strategies 

7)  Organizational strategies

8)  Concentration strategies

9)  Concentration chart

10)  Reading text

11)  Note -  taking strategies

12)  Note - taking exercise using the cornell method  

13)  Gpa worksheet

                                                                               MODULE 1

                                                           LEARNING STYLE INVENTORY

★ Campus life is very different from school because of different learning styles and student must make a new friends at new place . There also may things new students must know and adopt abount university life because if they didn't have it they would be in trouble throughout the semester .



Characteristics of Visual , Auditory and Kineshetitc .

☁ Visual learners need to see information . If you preffered style is visual you can learn by reading and by watching films , videos and demonstrations . you can see and imagine in your mind .

☁ Auditory learners need to hear information . If you preffered style is auditory you have a ' good hear ' and you can remember what you hear in a lecture even if you don't focus to your lecture .

☁ Kinesthetic learners need to be a physically active and doing things . If you preffered style is kinesthetic , you are hands on leaners . You have good learning by doing and improve your skills by doing something . 

♨ I will tell you my highest is visual style . So I'm visual style and my way of learning is also more visual style .

                                                                       MODULE 2

                                       GOAL STATEMENT ( FIVE STEP TO APPROACH )

                                                             ♛      Goal setting

                                                                    What is goal ??

¶It's something you would like to achive in your life

                                                     What the purpose of setting goal ??

¶Goals give your direction and keep you to focused on what are you want doing and achieve it 

                               LONG-TERM AND SHORT-TERM GOALS
⚫Long-term goals 
is the objective of the goals that you set end of the year for yourself for four or five years from now,or even for a lifetime.
⚫Short-term goals
is we can set for an hour from now, end of day or semester.

                                   ACADEMICS AND PERSONAL GOALS

 something that related with our works. Such as for students, we must completing assignment and preparing for exam.
something that related with our daily life.

                                 FIVE STEP TO REACHING MY GOAL

1.   I must attend every class to get an information from lecture 

2.   I must work hard and work smart to do my work

3.  I must pay an attention at my lecture to get easy information

4.   Every class i must take note 

5.   Dont ever giveup 

   ♬    My goal is , i want to dean every semester , graduated on time ( GOAT ) and get grace  Naib Chanchelor ( ANC )

                                                                         MODULE 3 

                                                    FIXED - COMMITMENT CALENDER

TIME ➡ aspiring pupils to achieve success in life, you must be wise in managing your time. Each student is encouraged to do effective time management and create a daily schedule.

The benefits to be obtained if having a learning schedule is:
⏰ can divide the time to systematically review subjects.
⏰ can train and discipline themselves in timely manner.
⏰ time travel will be more organized and manageable.

Fixed-commitment calendar

                                                               MODULE 4 

                                                        JOB TASK ANALYSIS

Job Task Analysis (JTA) surveys are used to analyze what tasks within a job role are most important. They are often used to construct and validate certification programs, to ensure that the questions being asked are relevant to the job.
Whether the respondent performs or supervises a specific task
How the respondent rates the…
•Importance of the task
• Frequency of the task

                                                                       MODULE 5

                                                            PRIORITIZED TO DO LIST

Studies have shown that people perform better when they have written down what they need to do everyday. Almost everyone struggles with getting stuff done especially as a student. As a student, it is important to do their to do list everyday. It can help you manage your time and prevent yourself from wasting time. We all have those days when there are a million things to do, and we don’t know how we’re going to get it all done.
One of the important reason is for the organization. As a student we usually have many assignment to do. So, when you list your assignment in to do list, it will make your feel organized and finish it before the dateline. Organizing your tasks with a list can make everything much more manageable and make you feel grounded.
Secondly, to do list also can make you easily to review which one is the most important task. Student must know how to differentiate task. Example from the most important task and the task that we can do it later. Your to-do list will help you focus your attention on the most important task of the moment.
Here is an example that I write down in UED 102 class today. I hope it will give you ideas about how to write it later.

                                                                             MODULE 6

                                                              MEMORY STRATEGIES

Memory is the ability to save and remain the information and experience.
There are three types of memory which are:
1) Sensory memory
Numerous incoming information from five senses will be stored in sensory memory for an instant. When you pay attention to the stimuli it will go to the short-term memory, but if you not pay attention it would not be last long and may lost.
2) Short-term memory
Our short-term memory have only limited storage. The information must be repeated in order to get information to long-term memory.
3) Long-term memory
Our long-term memory is unlimited and have large storage. If the information is not being used for long time, the information will be lost.

💡 Focus your attention
💡 Avoid cramming
💡 Utilize mnemonic devices
💡 Structure and organize
💡 Elaborate and rehearse
💡 Visualize concepts
💡 Relate new information to things you already know
💡 Read out loud

Everyone forget things, like a person’s name, where they keep their own things or how to do math problems. However, the reason why we forget something may differ. 
The main reason forgetting could occur include:
💥 Retrieval failure
💥 Ineffective encoding
💥 Interference
💥 Decay or fading
💥 Motivated forgetting
💥 Physical injury or trauma

From this activity, I could identify my memory strategies whether they are good or not. After I sum up my points from this activity, I got quiet good point which means that I already using many good memory strategies, but still I need to improve them in order to have a good long-term memory.

                                                                        MODULE 7
                                                 ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGIES

=is organize the materials for example animals can be divided into 3 type which are mammals , reptiles and amphibians .

                                                                     MODULE 8 
                                                  CONCENTRATION STRATEGIES

From this activity, I could identify whether I could concentrate good in my study or vice versa. After I sum up my points from this activity, I got nine points out of 10. This shows that I am a person who is not easily get distracted during study and I could pay high concentration in works I do
                                                                      MODULE 9
                                                        CONCENTRATION CHART

👉Meaning of Concentration chart is you can write down all your study problem and you can read down problem solve .


                             READING TEXT

survey ✔ review the text to gain initial meaning from the title

Question ✔ build a question after reading the text so that you can always looking for answer

Read ✔ read all the paragraph for an information and answers for the question that you have create

For example 👇

                              MODULE 11


Whats meaning of taking a notes from lecture ?

📣 Taking notes is writing down all an information and ideas so you can read it with your own word and style .

           WHY TAKING NOTES  👇

1 . Its can help us to improve our memory

2.  Its can help us to pay attention in class

3. Can writing down all ideas and information easly

                               MODULE 12


                           MODULE 13

                        GPA WORKSHEET

1 . What is GPA stand for ?
👉 GPA is stand for grade point average

2. What does a GPA show ?
👉This is a average of your grades in all your courses

3. Why a GPA important ?
👉 Collage , scholarship , criteria and our commitment student to get diploma .

4. What is ICGPA
👉 Reported value at the end of semester of the period of study



 😍 so insyallah i hope i can get 4.00 gpa all semester and get dean's award all sem and dedicated to my family 😊 . AMINNNNN


      👇👇👇You can click this link 👇👇👇

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